Admin Menu Editor For WordPress

Admin Menu Editor is a WordPress plugin that will let you manually edit the Dashboard menu. You can reorder the menus, show/hide specific items, change access rights, and more.


  • Sort menu items any way you want by simple drag & drop.
  • Move a menu item to a different submenu via cut & paste.
  • Edit any existing menu – change the title, access rights, menu icon and so on. Note that in the free version you can’t relax menu permissions – i.e. give access rights to a role that originally didn’t have them – but you can change them to be more restrictive.
  • Hide/show any menu or menu item. A hidden menu is invisible to all users, including administrators.
  • Create custom menus that point to any part of the Dashboard. For example, you could create a new menu leading directly to the “Pending comments” page.

Here’s a screenshot :

Admin Menu Editor screenshot

This plugin also has a Pro version that offers a bunch of extra features.


The latest version of the plugin is always available on

Requirements :

  • WordPress 4.1 or later
  • PHP 5.2 or later

Known Issues

The basic idea for the plugin was suggested by several commenters way back in October. However, the internal menu system that WordPress uses is obscure and unsuitable for direct manipulation, so I spent quite a while inventing workarounds. And even after a few weeks of pondering, there are some things I haven’t quite fixed.

  • If you delete any of the default menus they will reappear after saving. This is not a bug, it’s a feature 😉
  • As I mentioned before, the access rights required for using a particular menu item can’t be lowered, but can be made more strict. This has been fixed in the Pro version.
  • Plugin menus that are moved to a different submenu will not work unless you put the full page URL in the “URL” field. This is because WP “ties” the menu item to it’s parent menu and won’t recognize it in a different submenu.
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556 Responses to “Admin Menu Editor For WordPress”

  1. White Shadow says:

    It looks like your server is running PHP 4, which is not supported by Admin Menu Editor. You’ll have to upgrade to PHP 5 if you want to use this plugin.

  2. loko says:

    reallyyyyy Oo oops ^^

    that’s true…

    thank u !!!!

  3. dndco says:

    Sorry this question is unrelated to your plugin (though it did give me that thought). Is it possible to override the placement of a plugin menu with another plugin? So when plugin A is activated it will move the menu of Plugin B. For instance WP DB Manager would get moved all the way up under Dashboard. Does that make sense? Thanks!

  4. White Shadow says:

    That’s exactly what Admin Menu Editor is for. One of it’s functions is moving and sorting menus.

    Of course, it is also be possible to make a simpler plugin that changes the placement of only one or two pre-defined menus. Basically, all you’d need to do is move around the elements of the global $menu array.

  5. rahul dongre says:

    hi i m using wp 2.9 , and upload this plugin. but it is not working.
    no function at the top panel is not working. please help

  6. tara says:

    I have created a user category “Manager” and definied the capabilities using capability manager. However, no matter what I do, I can’t get the Plugins menu to show up – I want them to be able to view/add plugins, but not edit.

  7. White Shadow says:

    Do the users have the “activate_plugins” capability?

  8. Dan says:

    Love this plugin, by far the best I have used for menu management. I use it together with User Role editor.

    Two flaws I found it using it so far…

    1. For some reason, I can’t hide the Links section
    2. It can’t hind NE Gallery plugin.

    Besides that.. it’s awesome!

  9. White Shadow says:

    Interesting, I can hide both easily on my test site. Have you changed anything else about those menus?

  10. Dan says:

    I use your plugin together with another plugin called User Role Editor. I think they work well together in most cases, but for some reason those two options above don’t work.

    With User Role Editor – I created a new “user role” called “Manager”. and removed several options from this role, such as managing links.

    With your plugin I set most menus and submenus I don’t want to use to Administrator only and the ones I want to use to “Manager”.

    I set the “Links” section to administrator but it’s only hidden when I disable the “Manage Categories” role.

    It’s complicated, but there’s some conflict. I have to look closely later on to see how it all works.

  11. White Shadow says:

    Given that the “Manager” role doesn’t have the caps for managing links, what happens when you actually click on that menu?

    If it’s visible but inaccessible, you could simply hide it using the gray “Hide” button in Admin Menu Editor.

  12. Dan says:

    I kinda figured out what’s going on..

    The User Role Editor gives me 2 options.

    1. manage_links
    2. manage_categories

    What I didn’t realize before is that “Links” also have categories. So if I enable access to manage_categories I also enable access to manage_link (the categories sessions only).

    Regardless I tried using the “hide” button which by the way I never noticed before… but it didn’t work for my “Manager” role, but it worked for others.. I’m still working on finding out why…

  13. Dan says:

    I fixed the problem… a work around actually..

    All I did was to give my “Manager” role the capability of manage_links but then I hid that option in the menu… for some reason that works… so i guess the client will only be able to add links or to get to that section if there’s a link to that secion anywhere but in the main menu.

  14. White Shadow says:

    Yes, that may work.

    Sorry for not being much help. Despite being a plugin dev., even I’m not familiar with all the intricacies of the WP permission system.

  15. Dan says:

    No need to apologize.. this plugin has made my life much easier. it’s nice to be able to quickly clean up the backend for clients.. that way they mess up less often 🙂

  16. Dan says:

    Got another similar issue…

    I gave my “Manager” role the ability to manage_options, because I have a plugin that needs that access..

    In your plugin settings I told it to hide all “settings” but yours the “Menu Editor” settings is the only that shows.

    Is that because you want to make that available on purpose? or is this another conflict?

  17. White Shadow says:

    Yes, this is by design. I’ve seen way too many users shoot themselves in the foot by accidentally making the menu editor (or the entire Dashboard) inaccessible.

  18. Dan says:

    I don’t blame you. Can you point me out in the right direction where I can change that? Would this info be in the data base or I need to edit some of the files. I’m no expert but I’ve been developing websites with php for a while.. so maybe I can find it.

  19. White Shadow says:

    The relevant code can be found between on lines 765-796 in /admin-menu-editor/includes/menu-editor-core.php. Just comment out or remove the two “hook_custom_admin_” functions there.

  20. Danq says:

    Yep, that did it. Thanks again!

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