Admin Menu Editor For WordPress

Admin Menu Editor is a WordPress plugin that will let you manually edit the Dashboard menu. You can reorder the menus, show/hide specific items, change access rights, and more.


  • Sort menu items any way you want by simple drag & drop.
  • Move a menu item to a different submenu via cut & paste.
  • Edit any existing menu – change the title, access rights, menu icon and so on. Note that in the free version you can’t relax menu permissions – i.e. give access rights to a role that originally didn’t have them – but you can change them to be more restrictive.
  • Hide/show any menu or menu item. A hidden menu is invisible to all users, including administrators.
  • Create custom menus that point to any part of the Dashboard. For example, you could create a new menu leading directly to the “Pending comments” page.

Here’s a screenshot :

Admin Menu Editor screenshot

This plugin also has a Pro version that offers a bunch of extra features.


The latest version of the plugin is always available on

Requirements :

  • WordPress 4.1 or later
  • PHP 5.2 or later

Known Issues

The basic idea for the plugin was suggested by several commenters way back in October. However, the internal menu system that WordPress uses is obscure and unsuitable for direct manipulation, so I spent quite a while inventing workarounds. And even after a few weeks of pondering, there are some things I haven’t quite fixed.

  • If you delete any of the default menus they will reappear after saving. This is not a bug, it’s a feature 😉
  • As I mentioned before, the access rights required for using a particular menu item can’t be lowered, but can be made more strict. This has been fixed in the Pro version.
  • Plugin menus that are moved to a different submenu will not work unless you put the full page URL in the “URL” field. This is because WP “ties” the menu item to it’s parent menu and won’t recognize it in a different submenu.
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556 Responses to “Admin Menu Editor For WordPress”

  1. rich says:

    yes thanks can you let me know how to reset the database for admin menu want to have a fresh start 🙂

  2. White Shadow says:

    The plugin’s settings are stored in the “ws_menu_editor” database option. You can delete it if you want; the plugin will just revert back to the default menu.

  3. luigi says:

    is possible to translate it in italian?

  4. White Shadow says:

    Sorry, this plugin currently has no internationalization support.

  5. João says:

    How to embed PHP code into the menu item name?

  6. White Shadow says:

    You can’t. If you want to run your own PHP code, you should probably convert it into a plugin.

  7. Fox says:

    This plugin is great but i got an error hen i moved my site to new server with new domain

    Warning: call_user_func_array() []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, ‘remove_menu_items’ was given in /html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 395

    this error start to happening after moving …. i see this error in the top of admin panel

    and when i try to make any changes to admin menu i got this two errors in white page

    Warning: call_user_func_array() []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, ‘remove_menu_items’ was given in /html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 395

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /html/wp-includes/plugin.php:395) in /html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 890

    please need help to Fix this Error

    thank you

  8. White Shadow says:

    That error probably wasn’t caused by Admin Menu Editor. The plugin doesn’t use “remove_menu_items” anywhere. There’s also no function with that name in WordPress core, which means that it probably came from another plugin or theme. Check your other menu-related plugins.

  9. Fox says:

    Thank You White shadow, the problem is Fixed

    i just used error_reporting(0);

    in the top of my header file

    But this mean i should test the other plugins in my blog

    Thank You again

  10. Agnes says:

    I love the plugin and have done a lot of customization on it. Though, I ve just lately mlade a mistake in assigninbg permissions, and now as an adminsitrator, I dont access any of WP admin nor of course settings of the plugin. I ve seen there is a URL to restore defaults WP admin… but would make me lose all the work.
    So I wonder: in which table of the Db does the plugin write the permissions? May be I could just change it in my DB…

  11. Agnes says:

    PS: I ve found the answer above in the page..
    – DB table: wp_options
    – option name: ws_menu_editor
    Thanks for all

  12. Kaz says:

    I love this plugin but I can’t seem to get it to do exactly what I am after. I have set it so that only an administrator will see the Dashboard, Tools, Media and Comments and although the Dashboard and Comments links are indeed no longer visible for my editors, the Tools and Media links can still be seen and clicked on. I also wanted to hide the Profile link but there doesn’t seem to be an option for that other than My Profile under Users but the Users link isn’t visible for my editors anyway. I am trying to end up with Editors being restricted to editing their Pages and Posts only and unable to do anything else. Thanks 🙂

  13. White Shadow says:

    Try also updating the permissions of all individual menu items in Tools and Media. The reason why they stay visible is probably because WordPress always shows a top-level menu that contains at least one accessible sub-menu.

  14. Kaz says:

    Hi, thanks for the quick response. I updated individual items in Tools and Media and they are now hidden which is great. Is there a way to hide the Profile menu item as I don’t see it on the plugin list? Cheers

  15. James R says:

    Is there a way to setup your plugin so that Admiisitrators can see everything and Users, depending on whether they are Editors or just Contributors, see completely different menu’s?

    is there a manual for this plugin?

    Thank you 🙂

  16. White Shadow says:

    @ Kaz: Do you mean the Users -> Your Profile menu? It does show up in the editor for me. The “Users” menu gets renamed to “Profile” for non-admin users, but it’s still the same menu.

    @ James R: Sorry, that’s not possible right now. It would also be kind of hard to do since it’s completely contrary to how the WP menu system works.

    Alas, readme.txt is the only documentation the plugin has right now.

  17. Kaz says:

    Hi, thanks for the quick reply. I have tried setting the capability of the Users menu and all sub-items to administrator same as I have for other things such as Tools, Media etc. but the Profile button still shows up for non-administrators. Any ideas? Cheers 🙂

  18. Agnes says:

    Hello, I love the plugin (with WP3.0) but have to desactivate it to access certain items… because problems with right managements.
    I cvopy the “footer” menu from “appearance” to “WP settings” group I ve created, and I hide “appearance” group.
    For rights: I leave the same properties in the new “footer” like in the original – but when I click the item, I get “you dont have the sufficient permissions to access this page”. Even if I change the “WP settings” groups’ required capability to “switch_themes” like in the appearance group, it does not work… 🙁
    Any suggestion?

  19. White Shadow says:

    Hmm, looks like I was mistaken – “Users” and “Profile” are not quite the same (for non-privileged users). Due to arcane technical reasons, the plugin only knows about the “Users” menu. There is no easy way to fix that at the moment.

  20. Agnes says:

    In the meantime I ve found a way around to bypass the permissions issue:
    In wp-admin/includes/plugins.php line 1411

    $hookname = get_plugin_page_hookname($plugin_page, $parent);
    if ( !isset($_registered_pages[$hookname]) )
    return false;

    Changed to “true” and do not have more problems!
    Safe? donnow…

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