Admin Menu Editor For WordPress

Admin Menu Editor is a WordPress plugin that will let you manually edit the Dashboard menu. You can reorder the menus, show/hide specific items, change access rights, and more.


  • Sort menu items any way you want by simple drag & drop.
  • Move a menu item to a different submenu via cut & paste.
  • Edit any existing menu – change the title, access rights, menu icon and so on. Note that in the free version you can’t relax menu permissions – i.e. give access rights to a role that originally didn’t have them – but you can change them to be more restrictive.
  • Hide/show any menu or menu item. A hidden menu is invisible to all users, including administrators.
  • Create custom menus that point to any part of the Dashboard. For example, you could create a new menu leading directly to the “Pending comments” page.

Here’s a screenshot :

Admin Menu Editor screenshot

This plugin also has a Pro version that offers a bunch of extra features.


The latest version of the plugin is always available on

Requirements :

  • WordPress 4.1 or later
  • PHP 5.2 or later

Known Issues

The basic idea for the plugin was suggested by several commenters way back in October. However, the internal menu system that WordPress uses is obscure and unsuitable for direct manipulation, so I spent quite a while inventing workarounds. And even after a few weeks of pondering, there are some things I haven’t quite fixed.

  • If you delete any of the default menus they will reappear after saving. This is not a bug, it’s a feature 😉
  • As I mentioned before, the access rights required for using a particular menu item can’t be lowered, but can be made more strict. This has been fixed in the Pro version.
  • Plugin menus that are moved to a different submenu will not work unless you put the full page URL in the “URL” field. This is because WP “ties” the menu item to it’s parent menu and won’t recognize it in a different submenu.
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556 Responses to “Admin Menu Editor For WordPress”

  1. Alexia says:

    I don’t understand my problem. I configure my dashboard menu with your plugin. And all is ok. But when, for example, I change the theme of my website, the submenu of the previous theme is always present and it isn’t hidden (And when, i click on this link,of course, I have an error like “The requested URL /htmlv3/wordpress/wp-admin/fusion-settings was not found on this server.”
    Can you help me please?

  2. White Shadow says:

    This is a known issue. The plugin errs on the side of caution and doesn’t automatically remove menu items that point to a non-existent page.

    I’ll put this on my to-do list, but I can’t promise it will get fixed soon – there are other things that take priority right now.

  3. Cas says:

    Just FYI – I love this plugin, but now it has a conflict with Disqus that renders this plugin completely unconfigurable while Disqus is activated. When I deactivate Disqus, I can change the settings on Menu Editor, and thank goodness they seem to stick even when I re-activate Disqus. My guess is that it happened with the latest Disqus update and is a javascript conflict. 🙁

  4. White Shadow says:

    Hmm, I installed Disqus in my test blog and the menu editor still worked fine… So I’ve got no idea what the conflict might be.

    Assuming it really is a JS conflict, check your browser’s error console for the specific error message.

    • Firefox : Tools -> Error Console
    • Opera : Tools -> Advanced -> Error Console
    • Internet Explorer : Double-click the error icon in the left corner of the status bar (I think)
  5. Shawn Tucker says:

    Benjamin Allison, I am also running a WPMU website.
    The Site Admin menu seems to be getting added to every blogs admin area.
    Although users cannot access the pages on it.

    Are you finding this too? Were you able to overcome it?

  6. ovidiu says:

    I am looking for a similar plugin, I rememebr having seen it somewhere, where one could specify what menus are available for what users/roles/etc…

    i.e. excluding the TAGS menu for everyone, etc…

  7. Mike says:


    I have noticed that the Admin Menu Editor plugin does not work when the WPML plugin ( is activated also. (WP 2.8.4)

    Once WPML activated, if I go to the Menu Editor option in the admin, I cannot drag the items around or click any option. It seems to be a JS issue. It gives the error “menu.defaults is undefined” in menu-editor.js line 110.

    Other users seem to have the “menu.defaults is undefined” error issue. Is there any solution to this ?

  8. White Shadow says:

    I don’t have a solution as of yet. The problem is I can’t replicate the bug – when I activate WPML the menu editor continues to work without a hitch.

  9. […] önskade innehållstyper är skapade installerar du pluginet Admin Menu Editor som ger dig fria händer att möblera om (och dölja saker) i […]

  10. White Shadow says:

    Someone emailed me about how they solved the “menu.defaults is undefined” problem; I’m posting their comment here (with permission) as it might help other users :

    Hi, thanks for the great plugin !
    A colleague has recommended it and I look forward to using it.
    I was getting the “menu.defaults is undefined” error and found a (nasty) solution.
    The line I changed is line 110 and now it looks like:

    ((menu.menu_title!=null)?menu.menu_title:(menu.defaults != undefined ? menu.defaults.menu_title : “Undefined item”))+

    For those who can’t read Javascript, it just ignores the undefined element.
    What you will see in the Editor is a few entries with “Undefined item” label. I can confirm it has somwthing to do with WPML but I am not sure of the cause.

    Hope this can help those needing it !


    Lic. Adrián P. Eidelman

  11. […] Admin Menu Editor Permet de personnaliser les éléments du menu et de ses sous-menus d’administration. […]

  12. Gianfranco says:

    White Shadow, this might have been asked already before, but is there a reason why this AMAZING plugin of yours is not listed in the official WP plugin repository?

    It’d be nice to get noticed about updates and stuff. Plus, I am sure you’re cutting off quiet a big piece of potential new users by not having it listed in there, and that will never find out such a useful plugin. To me Menu Editor is a must-have for each and every WP installation.

  13. White Shadow says:

    It’s mainly due to my laziness. Nevertheless, listing in in the repository is on my Cthulhu-forsaken to-do list.

  14. Gianfranco says:

    Just do it, man! The plugin deserves it. Your work deserverves it!

    (When my blog’s up, I’ll write a review on Menu Editor).

  15. Suz says:

    Any chance you added this plugin to the repository ?
    Also is there a way to change visibility to menus by user-roles ?

  16. White Shadow says:

    Oh very well. It’ll be up on in a few days (provided they process the inclusion request quickly).

    There’s no way to change visibility by role yet, maybe someday.

  17. Andy Cook says:


  18. White Shadow says:

    It’s alive!

    You will probably need to (re)install it from the link above to make the automated updating feature work. This is because the directory name has changed.

  19. bengo says:

    Hi, this plugin don’t work in WP 2.9. Please help. Thank you.

  20. White Shadow says:

    Could you elaborate? I’ve used it with WP 2.9 and it seemed to work fine.

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