Automatic Updates For Private And Commercial Themes

June 2nd, 2011

Update 2017-06-20: This library has been deprecated. Please use PUC instead. It’s more current and it supports both themes and plugins.

This is a PHP library that lets you add automatic update notifications and single-click updates to any WordPress theme. It’s purpose is to be easy to integrate for developers […] Continue Reading…

FindBroken Beta

March 7th, 2011

Here’s something I’ve been working on for the last month or so: It’s an automated link checker that periodically scans your site for broken links and alerts you by email if any are found. Basically, it’s like a hosted version of the Broken Link Checker plugin, only simpler […] Continue Reading…

How To Convert Your WordPress Blog To A Static Site

February 2nd, 2011

Recently, I found this old question on WordPress StackExchange:
I am starting a new WordPress blog, and no longer updating an old one. […] How can I lock the installation of WordPress down so I don’t need to maintain it? I have seen someone suggest making a static version, which […] Continue Reading…

Page Load Time vs SEO: My Experience

February 1st, 2011

It is hardly news that the average load time is one of the many factors that Google uses to determine how well your site will rank. But how much does it matter, really? If my recent experience is anything to go by, the answer is “very little”.

Over the last […] Continue Reading…

Lazy-Load Avatars

January 31st, 2011

In my previous post, The Quest For Speed, I mentioned that lazy-loading avatars is a good way to improve your site performance:
The overwhelming majority of visitors never leave a comment. Chances are, most don’t even scroll down to the comments section. So why waste their time and bandwidth by […] Continue Reading…