Broken Link Checker for WordPress

Notice: This plugin has been transferred to ManageWP. I am no longer working on it. Please direct any feedback to the new developer. See the plugin homepage for more information.

Sometimes, links get broken. A page is deleted, a subdirectory forgotten, a site moved to a different domain. Most likely many of your blog posts contain links. It is almost inevitable that over time some of them will lead to a “404 Not Found” error page. Obviously you don’t want your readers to be annoyed by clicking a link that leads nowhere. You can check the links yourself but that might be quite a task if you have a lot of posts. You could use your webserver’s stats but that only works for local links.

So I’ve made a plugin for WordPress that will check your posts (and pages), looking for broken links, and let you know if any are found.


  • Detects links that don’t work, missing images, deleted YouTube videos and other problems.
  • Periodically checks links in posts, pages, comments, custom fields and the blogroll.
  • New and modified entries are checked ASAP.
  • Notifies you on the Dashboard if any problems are found.
  • Lets you edit all instances of a specific link at once.
  • Gives you a list of all links ever posted on your site, with the ability to search and filter it.
  • Lets you apply custom CSS styles to broken and removed links.
  • Highly configurable.

The broken links show up in the Tools -> Broken Links tab along. If any invalid URLs are found a notification will also show up on the Dashboard widget. To save screen real-estate, the widget can be configured to stay closed most of the time and automatically expand when broken links are detected.

Download (412 KB)


    • WordPress 3.0 or later
    • MySQL 4.1 or later

    The current version of this plugin is only compatible with WordPress 3.0 and up. If you have an older version of WP, try one of the older releases. Specifically, version 0.8.1 is the last one that’s still compatible with the WP 2.8 branch, and version 0.4.14 is the last one compatible with WP 2.1 – 2.6.x.


    Install “Broken Link Checker” just like any other WordPress plugin :

    1. Download the .zip file (see below).
    2. Unzip.
    3. Upload the broken-link-checker folder to you /wp-content/plugins directory.
    4. Activate the plugin in the Plugins tab.
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    2,584 Responses to “Broken Link Checker for WordPress”

    1. […] Broken Link Checker for WordPress – Automated broken link checking. […]

    2. Hopefully I get referrals from friends who already use the Broken Link Checker plugin

    3. It s a really wonderfull plugin! works excellent and find every broken link….and you get via mail a link and find broken links you wouldn t find without this plugin ,
      i don t think somebody has time every day to check all the links on all his sites.
      i wouldn t like to miss it on none of my sites!
      Thanks alot

    4. Lyudmila says:

      Thanks for the plugin! Friends recommended to install!

    5. […] Broken Link CheckerDoes just that: checks for broken links! On both your site, and those you link to. For example, if you write something with a link to SuperAwesomeWebsiteSomewhere and it’s broken, Broken Link check will send you an email. Then, there’s a handy little area in your WordPress site that will help you fix that. The same for if you delete a page from your site (or rename it) and forget you had other pages linked to it. WordPress plugin author site […]

    6. K says:

      It reports the images from this image host like broken but they aren’t Fix that bug in next release

    7. […] Broken Link Checker – If you frequently add links to your posts/pages, this plugin will scan your entire site at […]

    8. […] Broken Link Checker- This actually will scan my blog for broken links every 72 hours and then send me an email if it finds any. Broken Links are bad for your site. If you have ever clicked on a link- and had it say not found, you know what I am talking about. […]

    9. […] checking for broken links and removing some entirely. However help is at hand with the ‘Broken Link Checker‘, a free WordPress […]

    10. […] There’s a better way — a very cool WordPress plugin called Broken Link Checker. […]

    11. You’ve probably answered this already in over 1,500 responses but I hope you indulge me anyway. I keep getting tons of “500 – Internal Server Error” issues, even after I tell it to ignore them. The images are on my site and working properly, which is why I know this has to be an error somewhere. What can I do to turn that off, or what can I do to fix my site so that error will stop coming up?

    12. White Shadow says:

      Does the server have some kind of hotlink protection set up? I.e. something that’s supposed to prevent people from displaying your images on third-party sites? In some cases, that can cause problems for this plugin.

    13. Nope. Just so you know I have 5 blogs all on the same server and this plugin on 3 blogs and only the one keeps giving me these server issues. It’s really odd.

    14. Graham says:

      When I track down 500 Internal Server Errors, it’s often because PHP exceeds its memory_limit. I see this a lot on IX Web Hosting, where the default limit is too low. Try increasing your memory_limit in the php.ini file. If that doesn’t help, enable log_errors and error_log, and see if the PHP interpreter is failing with an error. Then contact your tech support! Good luck, Graham

    15. White Shadow says:

      Gramam: I don’t think that applies in this case since since the problem is with image links, and PHP is not usually involved when displaying (static) images.

    16. […] There is an easy way to do that using a popular WordPress plugin Broken Link Checker for WordPress. […]

    17. […] their sites for broken links.There is an easy way to do that using a popular WordPress plugin: Broken Link Checker for WordPress. This plugin finds and lets you repair broken links and it does much […]

    18. […] What to do, what to do? I figured it was going to take a lot of time to go searching through every single post, as I’m over 200 at this juncture, and man, that was going to be a mess. Well, talk about serendipity. I happened to be reading another blog post (I really should write all these things down, just in case I need to go back to them), and it mentioned a plugin I hadn’t heard of before called Broken Link Checker. […]

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