Single Click Plugin Updater WordPress Plugin

This plugin extends the plugin update notification feature introduced in WordPress 2.3 by adding an “update automatically” link to update notifications. When you click the link, the new version of the corresponding plugin is downloaded and installed automatically. It also lets you know which plugins have update notifications enabled.
Update 06.04.2008 : Version 2.0.1 with much more features is out. More info here.

Download it now! (37 Kb)

How It Works (In Detail)

To be able to display the new link this plugin will hide the original update notification and display a slightly modified one. Here’s what happens when you click the “update automatically” link :

  1. If the plugin that needs to be updated is active, it is deactivated.
  2. The Plugin Updater retrieves the plugin’s page from and finds the download link.
  3. The new version is downloaded and extracted to the wp-content/plugins directory (this directory must be writable by the Updater plugin).
  4. If necessary, the updated plugin is re-activated.

All this happens in the background, so if everything works OK you’ll end up back at the “Plugins” tab. If there are any errors the plugin will display an error message and abort the upgrade.


  • WordPress 2.3 or newer.
  • CURL library installed or allow_url_fopen enabled in php.ini. If you don’t know what that means, don’t worry – at least one of these is available on most webservers by default.
  • The /plugins directory must be writable by WordPress. The exact file permissions depend on the server configuration. Read more about file permissions. 666 or 755 may be sufficient, and 777 will always work, though this is not recommended due to security risks.

The plugin has been tested and works under Firefox 2.x, Opera 9.x and, as of version 1.0.5, Internet Explorer.


To install the plugin, please follow these steps:

  • Download the file (below) to your computer.
  • Unzip the file.
  • Upload “one-click-plugin-updater” folder to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory.
  • Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

That’s it.

Download (40 Kb)

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535 Responses to “Single Click Plugin Updater WordPress Plugin”

  1. This is really cool plugin, installed it in one of my site and every things seems fine! Thanks mate, keep up the good work 😉

  2. photowork says:

    Thank you for a great plugin. I’m very appreciate it. Cheers!

  3. […] One Click Plugin Updater by Janis Elsts One Click Plugin Updater was one of my most popular plugins, but it is now mostly […]

  4. […] você não tem um plugin que faça isso, minha primeira sugestão é instalar um, como o One Click Plugin Updater e esquecer todo aquele papo de fazer upload pelo FTP, descompactar arquivos e tudo mais. Se você […]

  5. Had 2 plugins to update, apparently failed on both:

    Can’t create file ‘redirection/fileio/rss.php’ in ‘/home/thehaver/public_html/’

  6. White Shadow says:

    Check your file permissions. For this plugin to work, /wp-content/plugins/ needs to be writable by PHP.

    Alternatively, use the WP built-in upgrader (this is the recommended approach).

  7. Oh I did, I ran it all the way to 777 & still get the error.

  8. White Shadow says:

    How about the built-in upgrader then? This plugin has pretty much become obsolete since that was introduced.

  9. […] primero de todos se llama One Click Plugin Updater y básicamente te permite actualizar con un sólo click cualquier plugin que tengas instalado. Este […]

  10. malc says:

    Hi there

    Trying to use OCPI on my Hostgator sites. Works great on all my other sites – Bluehost etc. But on HG I have tried it on 3 blogs, via the FF addon (just as I usually use it).

    On 1 I get:
    This url:

    And this error page:

    You don’t have permission to access /wp-admin/plugins.php on this server.

    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
    Apache mod_fcgid/2.3.5 mod_auth_passthrough/2.1 mod_bwlimited/1.4 FrontPage/ Server at Port 80

    On the second – much the same happens.

    On the third I get:

    this url

    And the standard 404 page from WordPress: “Easy, tiger. This is a 404 page. ….” etc.

    I remember this happening once before the same – and the blog it was happening with I just gave up on.

    Now I want it on three… and it’s more of a pain. The common factor is: Hostgator.

    I have tried changing permissions – plugins folder, the 3 x plugin.php files in wp-admin, to 777 and the same result.

    Any more suggestions would be much appreciated – as I use your plugin loads – it is so useful.

    Many thanks


  11. White Shadow says:

    Hmm, I actually remember encountering a similar problem with other plugins, but I have no idea what was causing it.

    Just a guess: If you remove the “fileurl=xyz” parameter from the URL, does it still produces a 403/404?

  12. malc says:

    Hi again

    Thanks for fast response.

    If I take the &url…. out, I am taken to the wp login page. I log in and I am taken to the “Install From URL” page. If I put in the plugin url manually, it installs.

    So, the API or whatever it is 🙂 for the blog does not seem to work.

    Maybe just a Hostgator thing…?



  13. White Shadow says:

    Yep, that’s what I expected. My guess would be that Hostgator uses some kind of a security module that blocks URLs which contain other URLs. You can test that hypothesis by trying to open this made-up link :

    If I’m right, it will also produce an error response. Otherwise, it’ll just display your “Plugins” page.

  14. Malc says:

    Hi mate – you are right – it gives a 404. I will contact HG and see if they have a solution or workaround.

    Thanks for feedback.


  15. malc says:

    OK – HG sorted it. As you said it was security. FYI they had to enable a mod_security rule. Done in 5 mins. Thanks, Malc

  16. […] One Click Plugin Updater 워드프레스에서도 비슷한 기능을 지원하긴 하지만 공식 페이지에 등록 안된 테마나 플러그인을 설치할때 URL만 입력하면 되서 편리하다. […]

  17. […] The soulless hulk of Progress trudges on…I’ve ranted before about how the One Click Plugin Updater is slowly becoming obsolete now that WordPress has an […]

  18. dp says:

    Is there a reason that OCPU uses a homebrew Zip handler? It takes several minutes (read: 10+) to update a single plugin, because it spends most of it’s time in “privReadEndCentralDir”. It’d be nice if it just used a faster Zip handler if available…

  19. […] 404, Breadcrumb Navigation XT, Comment Reply Notification, Delete-Revision, Google XML Sitemaps, One Click Plugin Updater, PTM AJAX Comments, SEO Smart Links, SEO Title Tag, SRG Clean Archives, StatPress Reloaded, […]

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