Single Click Plugin Updater WordPress Plugin
This plugin extends the plugin update notification feature introduced in WordPress 2.3 by adding an “update automatically” link to update notifications. When you click the link, the new version of the corresponding plugin is downloaded and installed automatically. It also lets you know which plugins have update notifications enabled.
Update 06.04.2008 : Version 2.0.1 with much more features is out. More info here.
Download it now! (37 Kb)
How It Works (In Detail)
To be able to display the new link this plugin will hide the original update notification and display a slightly modified one. Here’s what happens when you click the “update automatically” link :
- If the plugin that needs to be updated is active, it is deactivated.
- The Plugin Updater retrieves the plugin’s page from and finds the download link.
- The new version is downloaded and extracted to the wp-content/plugins directory (this directory must be writable by the Updater plugin).
- If necessary, the updated plugin is re-activated.
All this happens in the background, so if everything works OK you’ll end up back at the “Plugins” tab. If there are any errors the plugin will display an error message and abort the upgrade.
- WordPress 2.3 or newer.
- CURL library installed or allow_url_fopen enabled in php.ini. If you don’t know what that means, don’t worry – at least one of these is available on most webservers by default.
- The /plugins directory must be writable by WordPress. The exact file permissions depend on the server configuration. Read more about file permissions. 666 or 755 may be sufficient, and 777 will always work, though this is not recommended due to security risks.
The plugin has been tested and works under Firefox 2.x, Opera 9.x and, as of version 1.0.5, Internet Explorer.
To install the plugin, please follow these steps:
- Download the file (below) to your computer.
- Unzip the file.
- Upload “one-click-plugin-updater” folder to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory.
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
That’s it.
Download (40 Kb)
[…] project which attempts to generalise the one click update of WordPress plugins. It is called the One click plugin updater. This tries to add this facility to existing plugins. From the comments on the plugin page it looks […]
WOW! Excellent! This should be included with wp already, thanks.
Shouldn’t this plugin updater first delete the plugin to update and then upload the new plugin files?
No. It’s safer to simply overwrite the existing files *if* new files are downloaded successfully.
This plugin was working 3 days ago. Not anymore. I’m puzzled.
Here’s one error I got:
“Error : couldn’t download the new version from ‘’!
You need either the CURL library installed or allow_url_fopen set in php.ini for this to work.
A second error is that it tells me that it was not possible to download the plugin (to be updated).
Here’s what my web server tells me: “We have not made any
changes to the server but Curl is already installed and working on the server:”
Puzzling. Do you have any thought on that?
Apparently is going through some kind of restructuring – some download links have changed, some just don’t work at all.
I’m already working to make this plugin conform with those changes, but you will need to update it (the single click updater) manually when I get the new version up. The old version simply won’t be able to do it automatically because the page structure is now different.
ah, thats why… aren’t the WP guys aware that your and a few more plugs are affected by toying around with the server structure? hmmmmpf….
well, take your time and good luck!
Thanks a lot White Shadow.
Just to let you know, the new version is up and seems to be working.
Fantastic. Works fine. Thanks a lot.
Hi, I added about 20 new plugins, and one of them is conflicting with One Click Plugin Updater. Now when I click “update automatically”, I get:
I’ve used Firebug in Firefox and IE Developer Toolbar in IE, trying to see what’s causing the conflict, but neither enable me to see what plugins or scripts or causing the bug.
Do you know how I can find the culprit? I de-activated all the new plugins. The problem still exists.
(Aside: Also some images no longer display on my blog (post-ratings’ stars, translator’s flags.)
After contending with these problems, I found you have just released a new version. I installed it. As expected, that made no difference to the problem another plugin(s) is causing.
I think there’s something in the .htaccess rules that blocks it. My guess would be that one of the plugins you installed modified .htaccess to block all/most access to the “wp-content/plugins” directory, or something similar. It might have added a new .htaccess file in one of those directories as well.
If you don’t find anything wrong with the .htaccess files, maybe it’s in the URL rewrite rules that are stored in the database. Though I’m not sure how to check those, not off the top of my head.
Help, every time I try to use this plugin I get this error message:
Error : couldn’t unzip the new version of the plugin.
Your server may not have ziplib installed and the unzip command doesn’t work either.
What do I need to do to get it to work.
Willing to pay for help. Thanks!
I’ll need more information to figure this out. You can enable the plugin’s debug mode so that it will print out a more detailed report :
Open oneclick-plugin-updater.php and change the line that says “var $debug=false;” (line 23) to “var $debug=true;”
Then try using the plugin again and let me know what it outputs (copy & paste it in a comment here or send me an email –
Thanks – you were right. That solved this problem and another one (plugins’ images not displaying).
Some dastardly plugin created an htaccess file in wp-content/plugins/
with the contents:
order allow,deny
deny from all
I deleted it! (I wonder what that will do!?)
Which plugin did that? If I find out, I’ll post it here.
Clue: The file has a last changed date of February 15, 2006. That’s not the date it arrived on my site; it may be the date the plugin was last updated – perhaps I can find a plugin with other files last updated on that date.
I have the One click Plugin in WP and it’s activated. When there is a notice that one of the plugins has an upgrade I click the automatically upgrade link and it states “plugin activated” but it STILL shows that there is an upgrade notice on the exact one I just upgraded automatically!
Why does it not work? My permissions are set to 755.
Does this happen for all plugins or only for some of them? If it only happens for some plugins, the most likely cause is that the new version of the plugin has a different directory structure. See if there’s another line for the same plugin in the list.
If it happens for all plugins… I have no idea.
[…] One Click Plugin Updater ist ein wunderbars Plugin, welches eine einfache Pluginverwaltung ermöglicht. Nicht nur, dass die […]
[…] Single Click Plugin Updater WordPress Plugin est un plugin WordPress qui permet de mettre à jour vos plugins WordPress d’un seul click. […]
[…] automatic plug-in upgrading. To be honest I am getting so tired of upgrading plugins. Of course the One Click Plugin Updater has been a great blessing to help in upgading, but the new autoupgrade feature will be pretty […]