I’m on Twitter
I figured I’ll give Twitter a shot. Again. My Twitter account = white_shadow
I signed up about a year ago because it was mentioned in the ThirtyDayChallenge. But I never really did anything with it – I didn’t “get” the social marketing aspect promoted in the TDC, and had no actual purpose. So I let the account lay dormant for a while.
Then, a few days ago, I was wondering what I should post about next on this blog. There’s usually a lot of ideas to check out, epxeriments in progress, and a bunch of miscellaneous scripts I write every day. However, I only post about stuff that is at least halfway complete and useful (lengthy rants count as complete 😉 ). This takes time. Hence the incoherent posting frequency.
This is where Twitter comes in. I’ll use it in a different manner –
- Short, random ideas that wouldn’t be worthy of an entire blog post.
- Links to interesting sites. In my case “interesting” ranges from programming to SEO, and then all the way to visual art and magic.
- Cryptic philosophical rants.
- Select events of the dreaded story of doom called “life”. Don’t worry, I won’t post about what I had for breakfast, but I might mention a bicycle trek through some of the less-travelled dirt roads in this neighbourhood.
Feel free to check it out.
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