Free DAA to ISO Converter GUI

This tool has been superseded by the original daa2iso converter (© Luigi Auriemna), which now has it’s own GUI. Use that.

A while ago I wrote a tutorial about the DAA file extension, which has gotten a lot of visits ever since. One of the comments on that post pointed me to a free DAA-to-ISO converter by Luigi Auriemna. It’s a nice tool, but it requires that you know how to use command-line utilities (and many users don’t). That’s why I decided to make a simple graphical user interface (GUI) for the converter.


Converter Features (by Luigi Auriemna)

  • Converts DAA archives to ISO files. You can then burn the ISO file to a CD or DVD with one of the many freeware tools (e.g. ImgBurn) or whatever. Nearly 100% of CD/DVD software support the ISO format.
  • Supports multipart DAA files.

Interface Features (by me, Janis Elsts)

  • Takes care of all the command-line stuff.
  • Simple Windows interface – two textboxes and a button.
  • Drag-and-drop a DAA file onto the application window to select it as the input file.
  • Doesn’t require installation – just extract the .zip file somewhere and run daa_converter.exe.

Download DAA to ISO converter

Download : (230 Kb) and from this page.
Extract both ZIP archives to the same folder and run daa_converter.exe. If that doesn’t work, try daa2iso.exe – it has a different interface, but can be more stable.


Wait, do I need to download the converter/interface separately?
Yes. Originally I had them both in the same ZIP file, but Luigi – the author of the converter – asked me to remove the converter executable from this distribution.

When I tried to convert a file something just flashed on my screen and nothing else happened! Huh?
That’s probably because the converter encountered an error. You can try to run it from the command prompt to see the particular error message – feel free to study the beginners guide to WinXP command prompt if you don’t know how.

I tried the command prompt and it still doesn’t work. What now?
In this case you can try to contact Luigi, the author of the converter. Don’t ask me – I only made the window with the textboxes and a button ๐Ÿ˜‰

I have a question about the GUI part, who do I ask?
Feel free to leave a comment below.

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175 Responses to “Free DAA to ISO Converter GUI”

  1. playmakerno10 says:

    ive been searching everywhere for this, and it worked flawlessly to rid me of all my stupid power iso problems. thank you very much!

  2. Omer says:

    After converting part01.daa to part01.iso, I tried converting part02.daa to part02.iso but is says it needs to be part01.daa. I can’t get it to convert the second part. Any help would be very appreciated.

  3. White Shadow says:

    You’ll have to ask Luigi about that ๐Ÿ˜›

  4. Omer says:

    Nevermind, figured it out. I need to read before I post, heh. Thanks a bunch!

  5. MaxAxe says:

    thanks a ton dude ….. hope you have recovered by now …. keep up the good work …

  6. anhtuan says:

    thank you !(cam on nha !)
    from vietnam or

  7. some user says:

    beautiful world

  8. ? says:

    excuse me, your link to download the run program of converting .daa files no longer exist. please provide the active link.

  9. White Shadow says:

    @? – looks like the site is down. Somebody posted this mirror in another post :

  10. Flash says:

    Even though I specify an output file name when using your GUI interface, after I click the ‘Start Conversion!’ button I get another ‘DOS’ window opening up that asks for the output file name again. What’s with that?

  11. White Shadow says:

    @Flash – it seems you haven’t noticed the big, italic note at the top of this page ๐Ÿ˜‰

  12. Hitesh says:

    @White Shadow

    Hi ,

    I tried using your software to convert my files to iso, but i faced an error in command prompt that not enough space.

    I have attached the image also of that error.

    Please guide me or tell me any other option how i can convert these files .

    and is there any player in which i can play daa files directly without converting them to iso ?


    Hitesh Bhardwaj

  13. Hitesh says:

    Please if possible can someone drop me an email regarding this topic ?

  14. White Shadow says:

    @Hitesh – well, might it be that you actually don’t have enough space on your hard disk? You will need enough space to store both the original and the converted file (though you can delete the original later).

    I’m quite certain there are no players that could play DAA files. This is because DAA itself is not a video format – it’s a format used to store other files or collections of files (=complete copies of CD/DVDs), similar to ZIP archives.

  15. Hitesh says:

    @White Shadow

    thanks for reply

    Well that was an obvious thing to think about weather i have a disk space, but there is absolutely no problem with the space.

    but still i dont know whats the error.

    if u give me ur email id, then i might send u the print screen of error.


  16. White Shadow says:

    @Hitesh – Maybe it’s a filesystem issue. If the converted file is very large (I don’t remember exactly, but around 4 GB I think) it can’t be stored on a FAT32 filesystem. This shouldn’t be a problem with NTFS.

    In any case, my email is whiteshadow at w-shadow dot com.

  17. LuiWallentin says:

    This is genius software, and I have been looking for this for a very long time. Thanks to both you and Luigi … Brilliant

  18. Belloc says:

    Thanks for this great util. I found it very usefull, when I had downloaded an daa file, it worked like an charm, and so did the converter ๐Ÿ™‚ Keep up the great stuff coming.

  19. Paul says:

    Thanks a lot! I have downloaded a daa image with software for my phone(at the moment broken) and i needed the flash file on the daa. you and luigi just saved my phone :)) thanks a lot!