Google More Popular Than Sex
According to Google Trends, people search for “google” more often than they search for “sex”. As you can see from the graph, Google beats the primal instinct by a pretty small margin. Still, damn.
Related posts :According to Google Trends, people search for “google” more often than they search for “sex”. As you can see from the graph, Google beats the primal instinct by a pretty small margin. Still, damn.
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w00t??? Who the heck searches *for* Google? Lol.
And yet they do, hehe.
To be fair, the “google” graph also includes keywords like “google adsense”, “google sites” and so on.
searching what? for google on google????
With all due respect John, I *am* head of IT, and I have it on good authority. If you type Google, into Google, you *can* break the internet.